
Jfk quote about change
Jfk quote about change

In reality, the man left precious gem of wisdom for the leaders and people of entire word. One may think what JFK uttered was specific for only one nation. He spoke the words that acted as the guiding principle for American people. Starting from his inauguration speech, JFK continued to inspire his listeners. The man had an inspirational personality that enchanted the people from all over the globe. President Kennedy was the only Catholic to have held the highest office in the land until Joseph Biden was inaugurated in 2021.25 JFK Quotes-John Fitzgerald Kennedy aka JFK has been a significant figure in American history. There is solid evidence that religion helped Kennedy in several urban and industrial states but was, at the same time, a significant factor in his loss of Ohio, Kentucky, Florida, and Tennessee-and in his very close win in Texas. Kennedy won the presidency in one of the closest elections in American history-by a margin of 118,000 votes out of 69 million. Several studies have concluded that this controversy, coming at the worst possible time, was a significant factor in the sudden halt in Kennedy’s momentum and the surge toward Nixon in the final days of the campaign. Kennedy initially decided to respond to their declaration, but finally concluded that it was unwise to focus too much attention on this potentially damaging incident. Late in October, three American-born bishops in Puerto Rico issued a statement forbidding Catholics from voting for candidates who disagreed with the Church on abortion and birth control. Vice President Richard Nixon, the Republican nominee, accused the Kennedy campaign of using the Houston film in predominantly Catholic urban areas in order to stimulate voter turnout.


The religious issue never surfaced again in a way which demanded the candidate’s full attention, but continued to bubble just beneath the surface until Election Day. In addition, more than 500,000 copies of his remarks were distributed to clergy, especially Protestant clergy, around the nation. Kennedy’s candid and eloquent performance in Houston won nearly universal praise from the press and film of his talk was used extensively by the JFK campaign. Days later Senator Kennedy received an invitation to address the Greater Houston Ministerial Association. In September, a group of 150 Protestant ministers met in Washington and declared that Kennedy could not remain independent of Church control unless he specifically repudiated its teachings. In the end, after a vigorous campaign which included extensive use of his family’s personal wealth, Kennedy won by 93,000 to 61,000 and declared, "I think we have buried the religion issue once and for all." He was wrong. When the polls in West Virginia showed JFK behind by 20 points, he decided to address the issue head on in a speech before the American Society of Newspaper Editors:Īre we going to admit to the world that a Jew can be elected Mayor of Dublin, a Protestant can be chosen Foreign Minister of France, a Moslem can be elected to the Israeli parliament-but a Catholic cannot be President of the United States? Are we going to admit to the world-worse still, are we going to admit to ourselves-that one-third of the American people is forever barred from the White House? West Virginia PrimaryĪs a result, Kennedy decided to enter the West Virginia primary-a state in which Catholics constituted less than 4% of the electorate. In the Wisconsin primary, he defeated Senator Hubert Humphrey with 56% of the vote but failed to win a majority of the Protestant vote-an ominous sign. It was clear from the outset that Kennedy had to enter the state primaries to prove to skeptical party leaders that he was a viable national candidate. of the National Cathedral and several journalists. JFK established an informal network of advisers on the religious issue-including speechwriter Ted Sorensen, Dean Francis Bowes Sayre Jr. He was overwhelmingly defeated-even losing much of the then Democratic Solid South. Smith’s 1928 campaign was dogged by claims that he would build a tunnel connecting the White House and the Vatican and would amend the Constitution to make Catholicism the nation’s established religion. Smith of New York, had ever been the presidential nominee of one of the major parties. Kennedy Presidential Library and MuseumĪnti-Catholic prejudice was still very much in the mainstream of American life when JFK decided to seek the presidency in 1960.

Jfk quote about change